Duck Dynasty aired 131 episodes between 2012 and 2017, with two seasons every year. Phil, Jase, Korie, Jep, Missy, Uncle Si Robertson and their kids were all regulars, or made recurring appearances.
“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson was ... Phil joined his sons on opening day of duck season but did not fire his gun at all. He said that Phil joined them on the opening day of duck season ...
Season 5 of "Duck Dynasty" saw a significant audience fallout, The New York Times reported. The show officially came to an end in 2017 after 11 seasons. "No regrets at all – none," he said.
Phil has appeared in all but 10 of 119 episodes of “Duck Dynasty.” The reality hit, which aired on A&E from 2012 to 2017, centered on the Robertson family’s Louisiana duck-hunting business.