If you've ever taken a yoga class, then you're probably familiar with the cat-cow pose. This full body move is typically used to loosen up your body to prepare for the rest of your practice, but it's ...
If you’re not a yogi who by now is more familiar with cat-cow than their own family, it’s high time you learned the mobility exercise. Used for spine mobilization during yoga or workout warm ...
Cat-Cow Cat-Cow (sometimes called cat-camel ... If your pain worsens while doing this stretch, then discontinue. Start sitting tall in a chair. On an exhale, tuck your chin into your chest ...
Feel your spine loosen up as you gently move through the cat-cow pose ... Remember to let your arms do the lifting. Finish up with child's pose, a stretch so relaxing it will make you go, ah.
Benefits: A cat-cow stretch “improves spinal mobility ... “It’s better to do a few stretches really well and consistently than try to rush through several.” Don’t skip the warm-up.