Does this school fit your college needs? Receive a personalized ranking provided by U.S. News College Compass and find out. Try it now ...
Doane University is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. Doane University confers degrees through various schools, such as: an ...
Doane University took the latest step in its plans last month for a new $23 million performing arts center set to be ready by fall 2026. The university held a groundbreaking ceremony at its Crete ...
CRETE, Neb. - Doane University says its retention rate from the fall semester to the spring semester this school year is the ...
Cathey said this year there are 86 students in grades 3 through 12 on Doane Stuart's campus off Washington Avenue in Rensselaer. About 40 more students in pre-K through 2nd grade are on the Taylor ...
The road from the main entrance to the campus on top of the hill ... by a project to renovate and add onto Doane Hall, according to a memo the university sent to faculty and staff.