you may obtain a permit that will provide disabled parking privileges for a stated period of time, depending upon your condition. If you have a state-issued handicapped license plate or hang-tag, you ...
To be eligible for a temporary or short-term disability reserve permit, faculty and staff must submit a completed Accessible Parking Request Form PF-25. Assigned disability parking will be determined ...
Please note that disabled placard or license plate permits you to park in any disabled parking space on campus, but does not permit you to park in non-disabled spaces per your parking decal. This is ...
This permit, when displayed with the state-issued permit, authorizes parking in spaces marked as reserved for disabled persons and most MSU parking zones (excluded are reserved, yellow zones, and ...
Parking Services coordinates parking permits, accessible parking spaces and ADA paratransit service for people with disabilities. For more information about campus parking options and permits, please ...
a copy of the ADA parking permit application that was submitted to the office that issues the placard; photos of the front and back of the placard; photo of the front of the driver's license or other ...