Tamil director Bala has addressed the allegations claiming he hit actress Mamitha Baiju on the sets of 'Vanangaan'. Clarifying the incident, Bala stated that he never hit Mamitha but merely raised his ...
Nandha is a story about a young man from a borstal coming back to society and his family he had left many years ago. It is about a battle of love and life, and how a misfit tries to fight to fit ...
The film features an ensemble cast including Losliya, Bigg Boss fame Riythvika, Sha Ra, and Chitra Lakshmanan. The music for ...
The event was a star-studded affair, with the Bachchan family, the SRK clan, and Saif-Kareena all cheering on their kids. Aaradhya and AbRam’s Christmas-themed performance melted hearts ...
Director Bala's 25-year journey in Tamil cinema will be celebrated with a special event on December 18, 2024. The event will feature the audio launch of 'Vanangaan,' starring Arun Vijay ...
M. Sasikumar is a Tamil film director, actor and producer. He worked as an assistant director for Director Bala in Sethu and also worked for Director Ameer in his first two films Mounam Pesiyathey ...
The special guest at this event was director Bala and he presented mementos to those present. When he rose to address the gathering, a hush fell over the audience. The National Award winning ...
Roshini Prakash, who plays a prominent role in Bala’s upcoming film, Vanangaan, says she was not bothered by the director’s signature sombre tone while taking up the project. She says ...