I probably won't eat them. : Because I'm on a diet (laugh) according to my wife. : I really don't like chocolate. : I don't need the extra calories. Narrator It's true -- chocolate has gotten a ...
(Pexels) Aman Puri pointed out, “Adding a moderate amount of cocoa or dark chocolate to your diet helps improve attention, memory, and cognitive health, which may help enhance mood and reduce ...
Here, take a look at why you should add dark chocolate to your diet. Dark chocolate has antioxidants in it, especially flavonoids which help to reduce inflammation and neutralise the damage caused ...
We have long been told that eating confectionary every day is fattening, can lead to tooth decay and put you at an increased risk of heart disease. But chocolate can also be a treat that is ...
Alex Ruani, a diet misinformation researcher at University College London ... In practice, this meant not buying chocolates ...