Craig Russell, who played Marc Antony in the Netflix show African Queens: Queen Cleopatra, was first made to believe that his ...
Actor, Craig Russell, has shed light on the symptoms that led to his brain tumour diagnosis in a bid to draw awareness to ...
As an actor, my life can be hectic. When you’re on set, there are a lot of moving parts and people rely on you to perform at ...
Constant stream of notifications, digital distractions, and long hours spent in front of screens are leading to a growing ...
Actor Craig Russell, 47, who played Mark Antony in Netflix's African Queens: Cleopatra, has revealed he was diagnosed with a ...
NOVA: You've said it is best to be dehydrated at altitude because a dehydrated brain doesn't swell at altitude. PETER HACKETT: There's evidence that the people who do best at altitude are dehydrated.
Anyone concerned about "brain fog" does not need an additional hangover. To combat dehydration during the festive season, drink water or non-fizzy soft drinks in between each alcoholic drink.