A dead whale is washed up on the Delaware River near Pigeon Point, just north of Delaware Memorial Bridge. Ritter Dragonfly ...
PAST COVERAGE | KATU 60th Anniversary: The Exploding Whale On Sunday the NOAA began to receive tips about a dead whale floating offshore of the Rockaway Beach area. Due to the bloated appearance ...
A dead whale washed ashore on the banks of the Delaware River north of the Delaware Memorial Bridge, according to a published ...
A dead whale washed up on the Delaware River near the Delaware Memorial Bridge on Sunday morning. Ritter Dragonfly Dronography captured photos of the whale on Sunday at Pigeon Point. The Marine ...
New video shows a dead whale that washed ashore in Delaware. Drone pilot RITTER Dragonfly Dronography released a video of the dead whale just north of the Delaware Memorial Bridge in the Delaware ...
"Stay calm, stay calm," he can be heard saying after his son was released from the whale's mouth. "I thought I was dead," Adrián told The Associated Press. "I thought it had eaten me, that it had ...
Locals took to social media to share the strange but memorable scene, with Facebook user Kate Gerber-Furmie explaining, “The reason they (the City) remove dead whales from the beach is because ...
Uruguayan authorities reported Wednesday the discovery of a dead 15-meter whale on the River Plate beach of Colonia, believed to be the first such discovery in the past 100 years. The mammal ...