研究人员为解决 Cre-loxP 单质粒合成难题,开展 TAx9 相关研究,成功创建 F0 代转基因动物,意义重大。 开启基因编辑新征程:TAx9 技术的诞生 在生命科学的奇妙世界里,基因编辑技术宛如一把神奇的 “剪刀”,帮助科学家们探索生命的奥秘。其中,Cre-loxP 系统 ...
The offspring are heterozygous for the floxed target gene (C) and breed with the homozygous floxed mouse (B). The resulting experimental mouse is hemizygous for Cre and homozygous for loxP (D). This ...
When Cre recombinase (red circle) is introduced, either as a transgene by crossing into a mouse line carrying the targeted gene locus or on a viral vector, the DNA between the loxP sites (red ...