At least 13 people died amid protests in Tamil Nadu on May 22 On Monday, the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu ordered the shut down of a controversial copper plant that locals had been ...
The top court had on February 29 dismissed Vedanta's plea for re-opening of its copper smelting plant in Thoothukudi, closed since May 2018 over pollution concerns, while underlining the ...
India's Supreme Court has ordered the reopening of a copper smelter that was shut down because of the environmental damage it was allegedly causing. The plant in the southern port city of ...
Over 500 persons led by INTUC Working president Kathirvel participated in the agitation at Chidambaranagar demanding employment generation and reopening of the defunct Sterlite Copper plant.
Codelco, the world's largest copper producer announced that it will begin construction on a long-delayed US$1 billion desalination plant this year to supply its largest operations in northern Chile.