The central government originally created Cool Japan Fund Inc. in 2013 to support overseas sales of cultural products such as anime and Japanese cuisine, and saw it as a potential winner that ...
Almost a decade after its founding, Cool Japan Fund Inc. may be merged with other investment funds or eliminated if it cannot turn around its losses soon. That was a proposal a subcommittee of the ...
Japan is a country with very limited space for buildings, as mountains make up about three-quarters of its landmass. The country’s fairly large population is concentrated in major cities.
"Made in Japan" is a phrase attached to products and goods that has become, in many instances, a synonym for a high-quality product. However, the high domestic and international acclaim and ...
Twenty-first-century Japan is known for the world's most aged population. Faced with this challenge, Japan has been a pioneer in using science to find ways of managing a declining birth rate. Science ...