Molecular genetic studies conducted during the last several years have thrown some light on the basic molecular defects in primary congenital ... of this paediatric eye condition.
Our ultimate goal is to identify children at the greatest risk of toxicities and relapse. Among the more common visually threatening congenital eye defects are anophthalmia (total absence of the globe ...
Objective: To asses the extents to which congenital anomalies affect risk of preterm birth. Methods: For the present study, we analysed data on 1,972,058 newborns registered in the Netherlands ...
Children with neurodevelopmental disorders report congenital abnormalities, such as defects of the heart and/or urinary tract ...
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV), also known as persistent fetal vasculature, is a rare congenital developmental malformation of the eye ... apoptosis and defects in Wnt signalling ...