The School of Film and Animation is where the timeless art of filmmaking meets cutting-edge technology. It’s a creative community that allows students to explore their talents in the art of filmmaking ...
Animators are skilled storytellers who incorporate the fundamentals of narrative and drawing with the principles of animation. This program provides pre-college students the basics of animation as ...
A little more than 60% of CCAD students are enrolled in one of the four Entertainment design programs, and animation is the most-enrolled program at the college. Despite its popularity ...
2D animation is rapidly becoming a required skill set for filmmakers and artists. Many diverse industries—such as business, the entertainment industry, and the legal and medical industries—look to 2D ...
An online animation program offers flexibility for students who are also working professionals. Web-based programs typically follow the same rigorous curricula as brick-and-mortar options ...
This course begins with a practical overview of Maya, from learning the interface to building a foundation of basic techniques in modeling and animation. Storyboards and concept art will be used to ...