If you’ve walked across a parking lot toward the kiosk, repeating your license plate number under your breath, only to have to turn back to your car and refresh your memory because an ambulance drove ...
In this scenario, the processing demands associated with the learning task exceed the learner’s cognitive processing capacity. There are three types of cognitive load: extraneous, intrinsic and ...
She oversees research efforts that focus on measuring and predicting cognitive load, emotional state, trust, suspicion, and situational awareness using the lab’s sensors. These objective measurements ...
One of the fundamental challenges in generative AI usability is the tension between automation and user control. Unlike ...
The cognitive load of a learning resource is the balance between task demand (how hard it is and how long it takes) and available resources (students' prior knowledge and the resources they have ...
Instructional videos that pack a serious cringe-worthy factor, are too long or fail to check students’ understanding amount ...