Palestinian President Yasser Arafat raced to surprise talks with U.S. President Bill Clinton, but Israel's leader doubted a Middle East peace deal could be forged before Clinton's presidency ends ...
Clinton claimed that Arafat "wanted" to sign the agreement but was "pretty sure he'd be killed" by Hamas extremists, while ...
He pushed for compromise, calling it a sign of strength, not weakness. In response to a question later on, Clinton would say that PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat should not be alienated from future ...
Clinton was referring to the failed Camp David summit to settle the Israel-Palestine conflict in July 2000 between Ehud Barak and Yasar Arafat with Clinton mediating. For years Clinton has been ...
as well as the head of Clinton’s Mideast peace team Dennis Ross, placed the blame for the failure to conclude a deal at Camp David heavily on Arafat’s shoulders. Malley, however, co-wrote an ...