As much as I love a yearly "best-of" list, I also know this type of thing can be daunting. In the spirit of keeping things ...
Yo-Yo Ma has released a video of his sublime rendition of Bach’s cello prelude, which he performed live at the reopening of ...
The texture of Bach in its playing, as with any musical piece, is that can be about interpretation but it is also about the ...
Regular readers of Gramophone will surely know that there are numerous exceptional recordings of Bach’s six Cello Suites, from Casals and Fournier through to Gendron, Starker, Schiff, Shafran, ...
The song that plays in the video, the prelude from Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1, sounds like F# major. The prelude, however, was composed in G major. Why tuning down the prelude? It comes down to an ...
This musical group home is the philanthropic brainchild of Peabody cello Professor Amit Peled ... "We want the kids to really learn music but learn it from people who live next to them, from people ...
Looking for a little more variety, she decided to incorporate spoken word and approached actor Damien Ryan, artistic director ...
“A wonderful couple, a Dutch violinist named Vera Beths and her husband, the great cellist Anner Bylsma, have been a big ...
Project STEP provides string instruments and classical music training to youth from kindergarten through 12th grade, at ...
Today’s Video of the Day is a performance of the Prelude from Bach’s Cello Suite No.1 by Yo-Yo Ma. The performance was a part of the concert marking the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Yo-Yo Ma ...