A presser from Rohit Shetty Films revealed the same. Salman will be back as Chulbul Panday, his sassy cop avatar from Dabangg movies. Fans of the actor loved the new addition to Singham Again's ...
"Chulbul Pandey is coming to you on December 20 in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, and Telugu," the 53-year-old superstar tweeted, announcing Dabangg 2. Khan and Prabhudheva reunited for this project after ...
According to one of the lead players in the cops' universe, Salman’s Chulbul was all bull. “During the shooting or during my ...
Salman Khan's acting has a massive fan following, and his dance steps also attract loud cheer. A recent video showed an elderly woman recreating the vibrant moves of the actor from one of his much ...