特鲁多已任命其长期以来的盟友勒布朗为财政部长。 加拿大财政部长弗里兰(Chrystia Freeland)周一宣布退出由自由党执掌的政府内阁。鉴于加拿大政府民望颇低,这一意外之举令外界更加怀疑,总理特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)还能在位多久。 作为特鲁多最信任的忠诚助手 ...
But no minister performed her post-lobotomy tasks so confidently, so adeptly, so loyally, as did Chrystia Freeland ... where she’d park her brain for the next nine years. And yet for all ...
TORONTO — Chrystia Freeland, Justin Trudeau’s chief lieutenant throughout his tenure as Canada’s prime minister, resigned from his cabinet on Monday, citing differences over how to confront ...
Re: Chrystia Freeland’s resignation letter sent to Justin ... It goes from Carleton University to Vincent Massey Park, so it is primarily used by students. Most students attend university ...
Chrystia Freeland, the deputy prime minister and finance minister, had been helping lead Canada’s response to the incoming Trump administration. By Matina Stevis-Gridneff and Ian Austen Matina ...