Christina Aguilera has opened the MTV Europe's music awards with a raunchy stripping ... and broke into the opening bars of her hit song Dirrty. It was the first of many costume changes for ...
Palmer continues her archival streak with Hollywood history, this time wearing a vintage Versace gown with Swarovski metal ...
Redman couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the first six-figure publishing check for hopping on Christina Aguilera's "Dirrty" in 2002. The New Jersey rapper was blown away by the astonishing sum ...
Whether she's wearing black and yellow chaps while she sings "Dirrty" and encouraging ... At the age of 19, Christina Aguilera burst onto the pop music scene. This was the year her self-titled ...
Should the Kylie Cosmetics empire crumble, Kylie Jenner has a promising career as a Christina Aguilera impersonator to look forward to. Jenner dressed up as Aguilera in her "Dirrty" video for ...