Intra-amniotic infection (IAI), or chorioamnionitis, complicates up to 10% of all pregnancies and up to 2% of labors at term. There is a significant risk of complications for the mother and the ...
J Midwifery Womens Health. 2008;53(3):227-235. Once they have colonized the uterine cavity, bacteria can not only infect the fetus but also can release endotoxins that, in sufficient quantities ...
A new rat study explores lung function and placental changes in the presence of infection and inflammation. The study ...
The causes of pregnancy loss were assigned to one of five major categories (major congenital abnormalities, prematurity, chorioamnionitis, unexplained stillbirth, asphyxia during delivery ...
Meconium-stained amniotic fuid (MSAF) is observed in 5% to 20% of laboring patients, with the incidence reaching ...