When China's navy commissioned a new-generation frigate with stealth capabilities in January, it showed off increased ...
The Chinese naval task group continued in a westerly direction while transiting off Australia's southern coast.
The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) commissioned the first of its next-generation Type 054B class of guided-missile ...
Amid the furore, no-one has suggested that the Chinese “live fire” exercises were a military threat, were not held in ...
Australian Defence Force says fleet led by Type 055 destroyer Zunyi is northwest of Perth where USS Minnesota is docked.
China carried out a “joint combat readiness patrol” drill on Wednesday in an area 40 nautical miles off Taiwan that included ...
Beijing on Sunday said Canberra had “deliberately hyped” recent Chinese naval exercises near the Australian coast and ...
The Australian Navy has deployed three ships and surveillance aircraft to “closely monitor” a Chinese task group operating ...
Three Chinese warships have re-entered Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone after recently completing live-fire exercises in ...
China's recent live-fire naval drills in the Tasman Sea off southeastern Australia highlighted continued tensions between the ...
Military experts said the presence of a Chinese flotilla had reinforced the vulnerabilities of Australia’s “old and small” ...
The expected circumnavigation of Australia by three Chinese warships will test the navy’s ability to maintain constant ...