"Guava Island," a short film produced by Donald Glover and starring Rihanna, aired at the festival, and the full movie hit Amazon Video a few days later. Now, there was talk of this Rih and Glover ...
Childish Gambino has debuted the trailer for his upcoming movie "Bando Stone & The New World" during the BET Awards 2024. A short version of the trailer ran during the commercials during the event ...
Donald Glover, also known as Childish Gambino, is an American actor, comedian, musician and filmmaker. The now 41-year-old studied at New York University before getting his break under Tina Fey for ...
"This last Childish Gambino album is a soundtrack to this film ... He's expected to return for Peacock‘s "Community: The Movie," which will reunite the cast of the Dan Harmon comedy series.
Fans are debating whether Childish Gambino's This is America was copied from another song. Over the weekend someone on Reddit compared the hit with a 2016 track by Jase Harley - sparking a big debate.
The name ‘Childish Gambino’ was created by a computer program ... play the role of Lando in a future episode of the Star Wars movie franchise. 4. He once played Peter Pan in a subversive ...
Hugh McIntyre covers music, with a focus on the global charts. One week from today (July 12), on July 19, Childish Gambino will release his highly-anticipated new album Bando Stone & the New World.