But while a small amount of mucus in your stool is common, if you see a lot of it, if it changes color, or if it looks bloody, you may have an underlying condition that needs treatment.
Stool changes with pancreatic cancer can include diarrhea, foul-smelling stool, constipation, and changes in stool color. The pancreas is an organ between the stomach and the spine that helps the ...
Urgency is when you experience the sudden urge to pass a stool. For instance, you may feel like you have to run to the washroom. Consider speaking with a doctor if you experience changes in your ...
The NHS says you should see your doctor if the issue persists for more than three weeks, regardless of what the blood looks like. You should also visit your GP if your poo has been softer or thinner ...
and subtle changes in bowel habits including blood in her stool. One of the most common cancers that is affecting people worldwide due to their dietary or lifestyle habits is bowel cancer.
The stools will also change as your baby starts solids, becoming more firm and darker in color as a reflection of their change in diet. They may even contain whole bits of undigested food.