In terms of content, an organized and clear introduction was added to the siddur written by Professor Dov Rafel, and the prayers themselves were accompanied, as promised, by basic and brief halachic i ...
From skeptical computer scientist to engaged Jewish learner, a Jewish Google employee found meaning in unexpected places ...
One of these siddurim is the Ner Naftali siddur, part of the Artscroll series ... Artscroll-Mesorah is one of the largest publishing houses in the Jewish world, and despite its strongly ...
The Brooklyn-based publisher of Jewish books put out the most widely used Orthodox prayer book, or siddur, as well as a popular text and translation of the Torah, or chumash. But that dominance ...
“There is no question that this represents a move towards tradition in the Reform movement,” said Rabbi David Ellenson, the president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religio ...