A Lannister, as any Game of Thrones fan will ... This becomes all too apparent in The Queen’s Justice, when Cersei (Lena Headey) decides to spend some quality time with her two Dornish prisoners ...
If art imitates life, then Cersei Lannister is the only possible Iron Throne contender. At least until a marauding army of White Walkers overwhelms King's Landing and completes the transformation ...
“When you play the game of thrones you win, or you die,” GOT’s Cersei Lannister once told us. “There is no middle ground…” Any Game of Thrones fan worth their salt will tell you that ...
This includes Cersei Lannister. You didn’t think that someone as awful and conniving as her could be just pulled from ...
The bad news is he's back because Cersei tasked him with killing his two former bromantic employers, Tyrion and Jaime Lannister. To be more specific, Qyburn made the request on her behalf ...
And after watching the trailer for Netflix’s upcoming twisted fairy tale, I can’t help but feel that what the writer had in mind was to pit Eleven and Cersei Lannister in a duel to the death.