As to size, of the total number of farms, 38.243 are full cattle breeding; 7.370 a mix of cattle and agriculture, the average is 200 hectares (67% and 79%). But these farms only represent 11 and ...
Learn about Scottish Highland cattle facts, a heritage breed unique in appearance and raised primarily for their lean beef. A heritage livestock breed names for its ability to thrive on rocky ...
It was these steps and the herd book, which helped the breed to become the second most popular dairy cattle in the world, with the Jersey cow today being found in most countries around the world.
The Rare Breed Survival Trust (RBST) said herd numbers of Gloucester cattle had halved between 2006 and 2020. Gloucesters date back to the 13th Century and their milk is used to produce cheeses ...
A world renown dual-purpose cattle breed arrives in Kenya today. With an excellent milk production yielding of 10,000 litres a cow per lactation period and proper feeding regime, Fleckvieh milk is ...