The creator of the internationally renowned Catan board game, Klaus Teuber, has died aged 70. German-born Mr Teuber died on 1 April after a "short and serious" illness, his family said in a statement.
Polygon sat down with managing director Benjamin Teuber, son of the original game’s late designer, to discuss the upcoming release. Catan tells a story about Vikings colonizing islands long ...
We love the promise of an even more visual and immersive Catan game. (And we can’t wait to get our hands on those good-looking terrain tiles. The 6th edition of Catan will cost $49.99.
I write about the world of biology. Catan, arguably the most popular board game of the past couple decades, emphasized the deeply political nature of our quest for resources, power and development.
Has there been a nerdy board game more beloved or renowned than Catan? When asked about their favorite tabletop adventure, most denizens of fandom lands will conjure up the image of Catan’s ...
The Catan Seafarers Expansion: 6th Edition “adds ships, the pirate, new gold hex fields, building wonders, and more” and additionally features 30 hexes, 6 frame pieces, 10 number discs, 94 ...