In this fun film adaptation of the smash comedy, charismatic high-school student Miley Stewart's alter ego, pop star Hannah Montana, continues to grow in popularity, while Miley struggles to keep ...
Carol Goldwasser, a casting director who found actors for such popular kids-focused TV shows as Hannah Montana, Austin & Ally ...
It's a brand new year and Netflix keeps on delivering great entertainment for subscribers. Find out all the new and original TV series / movies in January 2025. New movies in theaters - Mufasa ...
Carol Goldwasser, a casting director whose credits include such popular tweens and teens shows as Hannah Montana, Austin & Ally, Dog With a Blog and Cousins for Life, died Dec. 5 at home in Palm ...
Carol Goldwasser, a casting director known for her work shaping young talent on shows like “Hannah Montana,” died Dec. 5 at her home in Palm Springs after surgery. She was 67. Goldwasser’s ...
Miley Cyrus was born into the spotlight as the daughter of musician Billy Ray Cyrus, and grew up in the spotlight through her hit show Hannah Montana, which she was cast in when she was just a ...