This beloved family film follows the character of Caractacus Potts, played by Dick Van Dyke, who is an imaginative inventor trying to provide for his two children, Jeremy and Jemima. When the ...
It stars Dick Van Dyke as Caractacus Potts, Sally Ann Howes as Truly Scrumptious, and more. Plot details remain under wraps at this time. It is being developed with a theatrical release “in mind ...
12 facts about Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the classic family musical movie starring Dick Van Dyke from the creator of James Bond This beloved family film follows the character of Caractacus Potts ...
An eccentric inventor, Caractacus Potts sets about restoring an old race car from a scrap heap with the help of his children, Jeremy and Jemima. They soon discover the car has magical properties ...
A “ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ” remake is in the works from Amazon MGM Studios and “James Bond” backers Eon Productions. The film is in early stages of development with executives at Eon and Amazon in ...
READ MORE: {{title}} She will join Ore Oduba as Caractacus Potts, Emmerdale star Liam Fox as Grandpa Potts, Ellie Nunn as Truly Scrumptious, Martin Callaghan as Baron, Jenny Gayner as Baroness ...
The story followed widowed odd-ball inventor Caractacus Potts (Van Dyke) and his children, who salvage a scrapped racing car with magical abilities in pre-war England. The film’s title song was ...
The actor bid for the prop car after playing Caractacus Potts in the UK tour of the musical between 2016 and 2017. Manford said he had "no idea where I'd have put it but hope it's going to a ...