这款Canon 佳能 EOS R7 是一款适用于拍摄视频和照片的高性能微单相机。配备了APS-C画幅传感器,能够捕捉到更多细节并提供出色的图像质量。此外,它还具有强大的防抖功能,可以有效减少模糊和抖动。
Canon and Nikon are now making some seriously good APS-C format mirrorless cameras, but where are all the prime lenses to go ...
The first whispers about the Canon EOS R7 Mark II have hit the internet – and it's claimed that the camera will be the company's first APS-C body to possess a stacked image sensor, as part of a ...
佳能EOS R7微单相机,采用APS-C画幅CMOS传感器和全像素双核技术 ... 此外,它还支持1080P升格拍摄和基于4:2:2 10bit HDR PQ和Canon Log 3的HDR短片录制。 另外,EOS R7在外观设计和操作体验上也十分出色。手柄握感饱满、按键排布有序、菜单清晰易用、触控轻快灵敏。