For travelers interested in nature photography or photographing the night sky, investing in a good camera tripod is key.
This meant the body of the camera with the film chamber was moved out of the way so the operator ... No way could you hand-hold a Mitchell – it took two people to mount it on a tripod. The coming of ...
Smartflex has designed a new SLR 4x5 camera from the ground up, and it has been successfully backed on Kickstarter ...
The "Handy Dandy Filmmaking Film" showcases a school project where students learn to use filmmaking equipment, including a ...
Mounting timecode devices to your camera or other equipment can be a tedious task, but 3D Film Parts has come up with a ...
Noxon Camera Motion Systems is showing a sneak peek of their upcoming Noxon Arm. This looks to be a relatively affordable ...