There are millions of galaxies in the universe, and while astronomers have cataloged many, some remain relatively unknown to ...
One of the very shyest of the constellations, Camelopardalis the Giraffe is rather lacking in deep sky objects, although many observers are drawn to the galaxy NGC 2403 lying near the Giraffe's mouth.
ABSTRACT Average V‐band brightnesses over multiple outbursting and standstill intervals are computed for the light curves of five Z Cam–type dwarf novae: RX And, Z Cam, SY Cnc, AH Her, and HX Peg.
Four northern constellations Auriga, Camelopardalis, Gemini, and Monoceros, and three southern constellations Canis Major, Columbia, and Puppis will hit their peak visibility on Feb. 15 at 9 p.m ...