Can you equal the military accomplishments of Caesar and fulfill your destiny to lead the Roman people? Advertisement Can you equal the military accomplishments of Caesar and fulfill your destiny ...
On January 10, 49 B.C., on the banks of the Rubicon River in southern Gaul (near the modern-day city of Ravenna), Julius Caesar and the soldiers of the 13th Legion waited and weighed their options.
As consul, Caesar wanted to pay off Pompey’s soldiers by allocating them public lands. This was unpopular, so to get the measure through he engineered a riot and used the chaos to get his own way.
He also expanded the Senate with men from the provinces. The reforms made Caesar incredibly popular among the soldiers and the masses but angered the elites, who feared his absolute power.
Speaking about Caesar's capabilities, Ukrainian soldiers emphasize its high mobility and maneuverability in the field and its great range and accuracy. Read also: Ukraine's 2S22 Bogdana ...