I'm going to come right out and say it: I had eight Cabbage Patch Kids, and I still know all their names. I didn't get all these dolls during the initial Cabbage Patch craze of 1983 when they were ...
A drunk woman kicked a stranger in the chest after she demanded her Cabbage Patch Kid doll back. Mum-of-three Tiffany Trigg ...
The 1990s saw the skyrocketing popularity of Tickle Me Elmo and the Furby. And in the early ‘80s, Cabbage Patch Kids dolls became so popular that stores couldn’t keep them on shelves — a gap ...
Back in 1984, WTAE went to downtown Pittsburgh to see what kids wanted for the holiday. At one store, Cabbage Patch Kids, Transformers and Masters of the Universe were at the top of the list.
The company called them “Cabbage Patch Kids” after an old tale told to ... He told a Wichita Falls Times Record News reporter he hadn’t had any in weeks. The manager of the Wichita Falls ...
They'll end up costing about $5 to $10 and there's really something special about actually making your child's very own cabbage patch doll. But the real test comes with the kids. Will they like ...