研究人员为解决 Cre-loxP 单质粒合成难题,开展 TAx9 相关研究,成功创建 F0 代转基因动物,意义重大。 开启基因编辑新征程:TAx9 技术的诞生 在生命科学的奇妙世界里,基因编辑技术宛如一把神奇的 “剪刀”,帮助科学家们探索生命的奥秘。其中,Cre-loxP 系统 ...
one ideally has to analyze recombination of the chosen target gene in various tissues of mice expressing the Cre recombinase construct and the loxP-flanked target sequences. In the case of ...
The product plasmid is barcoded by the resistance markers present on the Acceptor and Donor plasmids used in the Cre-LoxP fusion reaction, this is the basis for selection by using appropriate ...