‘Bumblebee’ Camaro Takes Spot In ‘Transformers’ Film In the first Transformers movie, “Bumblebee,” in its 1977 Chevrolet Camaro look, is sitting in a car lot next to a VW Beetle.
It is in Perth, Australia – a place that even Aussies consider a hike – where you'll find this, a Transformers-themed Bumblebee Camaro limousine with both scissor and gullwing doors.
That the Autobot better known as Bumblebee will take the shape of a Camaro (both old and new) in the Transformers film is old news.Other than a few on-set pics, including some showing a Camaro ...
The first iteration of the iconic Autobot, Bumblebee, brought to live-action, the 2007 Camaro Bumblebee no doubt set the tone for Bumblebee’s future designs, making it by default the best in the ...
This vintage modified '67 Camaro can run up to $60,000. Even though the autobot scout originally appeared in Transformers canon as a humble VW Bug, Michael Bay's Bumblebee continues to take the ...