Here's where you'll find the latest coupons and offers for Buffalo Wild Wings! For a limited time, every Monday and Wednesday is all you can eat boneless wings and fries at Buffalo Wild Wings! provides discount information as a service to our members. We make every effort to ensure accuracy but are not liable for the availability of discounts provided by a third party ...
If you need dinner plans tonight, Buffalo Wild Wings has you covered. The company recently announced that it’s offering an all-you-can-eat deal on boneless wings and fries for $19.99.
Will there be new sauces added to the mix? And, most importantly, will Buffalo Wild Wings start serving curly fries? "As many requests as we've gotten for curly fries at a Buffalo Wild Wings ...
well, you know what they offer, Buffalo Wild Wings does more than most when it ... you can use it to make fries that taste like McDonald's used to, and you can even spread it on bread as a snack.