纽约某街心广场上,各色人等涌动,一奇奇怪怪的中国小伙也活跃其中。 他穿着中式长袍,简单摆上桌椅,旁边插个自制的牌子:免费算命。 别看阵仗挺草率的,不消一会儿,顾客就排了一条龙,这人气让不远处拉小提琴的情何以堪。
十月的第一天,云冈石窟突然开始下大雪,雪绵密而急促,大佛安详的面容在雪中有一种难以描述的千年宿命感。On the first day of October, it suddenly began to snow heavily at the ...
The Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves in China's Xinjiang are among the country's earliest large-scale grotto groups. Find out how researchers are making efforts to protect and preserve the 1,800-year-old ...
We, representatives of the Buddhist community from 72 countries and regions, gathered from October 15 to 17, 2024, at Mount ...
--更多大佛杯中国职业球员锦标赛精彩图集--大佛杯锦标赛颁奖典礼北京太伟球场美景大佛杯锦标赛新浪现场直播大佛杯锦标赛第四轮大佛杯锦标赛第三轮大佛杯球员锦标赛第二轮大佛杯球员锦标赛首轮大佛杯球员见面会大佛杯全体球员会议 ...
Shanghai's Jade Buddha Temple offered 30,000 servings of "longevity noodles" to seniors for the Double Ninth Festival on ...