Does it feel like you're losing the battle against weeds in your yard? Broadleaf weeds, like dandelion and clover, are notoriously difficult to manage. Consider using a broadleaf weed herbicide as ...
PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE: Quali-Pro's Prodiamine 65 WDG provides pre-emergent grass and broadleaf weed control. Flexible application allows for both spring and fall use providing season long ...
All the chemical listed in this publication can be used on home lawns, but some are only available to professionals with a certified applicator’s license. Broadleaf weeds differ from desirable lawn ...
Consider pairing a residual herbicide with a post-emergence herbicide in the tank. Many broadleaf weeds, such as waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, emerge throughout the growing season and can be ...
Many commonly used residual products include a Group 15 herbicide (Chloroacetamide and Oxyacetamide) and are shoot growth inhibitors, which control grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds.