The male's long tail helps attract females during mating ... The Master of Display Flights ・A stunning blue-and-white hummingbird found in rainforests of Central and South America.
Like many “western” hummingbirds, the broad-tailed is increasingly found in late fall and winter in the southeast. Polytypic (2 ssp.; nominate in North America). Length 3.5–4"; bill 16–20 mm.
Allen’s hummingbirds are a coppery orange and green, according to All About Birds. Broad-tailed hummingbirds, which are not as common in California, are mostly in California from May to August ...
Like the broad-tailed hummingbird ... and larkspur. The blue-throated mountain gem hummingbird is larger than other hummingbirds, reaching up to 4.7 inches in length. It weighs 0.3 ounces and ...