BBC Earth's Blue Planet II explored the immense wonders of the deep. Now the team is back to celebrate marine life from all corners of the world and investigate the health of our oceans.
A year after the epic Planet Earth II, Sir David Attenborough is returning to our screens with a follow-up to 2001's Blue Planet. No spoilers, but we've seen the first episode and as sequels go we ...
Blue Planet II In 2001 BBC documentary Blue Planet broke the mould. Now 15 years later David Attenborough returns to the narrators chair as Blue Planet II re-explores the deep in stunning detail.
The people behind Blue Planet 2 say there was rarely a time when they were filming that they didn't come across plastic in the sea. This week's episode focuses on how plastic affects sea creatures.
Take a look behind the scenes of making Blue Planet II and further uncover our hidden underwater world. With insights from Sir David Attenborough, Becky Ripley and Emily Knight dig deeper into the ...