A Monarch butterfly born in Canada will fly more than 3,000 miles to Mexico, across land it has never seen. Its journey is filled with peril, many never make it and those that do will never return.
A Monarch butterfly born in Canada will fly more than 3,000 miles to Mexico, across land it has never seen. Its journey is filled with peril, many never make it and those that do will never return.
Monarch butterflies only flap their wings around 5 to 12 times per second — much more slowly than the average butterfly, who flaps about 20 times a second. In the right conditions, a migrating monarch ...
What makes monarch butterflies so incredible is their annual ... Male butterflies have blue bodies and gray-blue wings with white trim around the edges, and females are dustier-colored.
Madison Kuhle, 5, Lawrence, poses as a butterfly for her father at the Monarch Watch open house Saturday at Foley Hall on Kansas University's campus. Maxx Marshall, 4, Lawrence, gets an up-close ...