These large wading birds are a Schedule 1 species, giving them full protection from disturbance. In summer, they have bright orangey-brown chests and bellies, while in winter they're more ...
The black-tailed godwit is a rare breeding bird in the UK that has suffered from dramatic declines. It can most easily be spotted around the coast in winter and at inland wetlands when on migration.
Males will also display to females, throwing their head back and squawking. Long-tailed ducks look very different throughout the year. Adult males can always be recognised by their incredibly long, ...
With its striking orange-red breeding plumage and long, probing bill, this elegant wader is a highlight of UK wetlands and coastal areas. The Black-tailed Godwit is a large wader with long legs and a ...
This long-tailed little insect-eater is at home in the desert southwest, even in arid scrub and creosote bush flats where there are few other birds. Black-tailed Gnatcatchers live in pairs all year, ...