The vintage black Jaguar is now tipped to be bought for 70 times that figure. A spokesperson for the auction house said: “Highly significant and historically important; the first XKSS to be ...
提到捷豹路虎,相信很多人都不陌生。翻开捷豹路虎在中国的高管名单,会发现其内部不少高管都曾服务于一汽大众,他们 ...
A South London dad is convinced he spotted a 1.5m "lynx or jaguar" on the school run. Leandro Santos, 37, heard a yowling ...
The handbuilt pair of modern classics come with a heated windscreen, Bluetooth, and electronic fuel injection ...
捷豹在这一点上真的是让很多品牌望尘莫及。驾驶F-PACE过弯时的那个灵动劲,快速行驶下变道超车时的淡定感,真的是很让人上瘾! 缺点: 油耗吧 ...
不知道大家有没有发现,被车迷们给称作是“英伦绅士”的捷豹XEL这款车型,已经连续六七个月时间都已经只有销量几百台了。 更让人所感到 ...
‘It was yellowish with black spots. 'Screams and shouts' heard as ... from Brazil and if I saw this there I’d say it was a jaguar. Leandro Santos says he spotted the jaguar on the school ...
捷豹(JAGUAR)是英国轿车的一种名牌产品,商标为一只正在跳跃前扑的"美洲豹"雕塑,矫健勇猛,形神兼备,具有时代感与视觉冲击力,它既代表了公司 ...
【ITBEAR】英国汽车制造商捷豹路虎(JLR)近日宣布了一系列高层人事调整,以推动其“重塑”转型战略的深入实施。此次任命旨在为公司注入新的 ...
捷豹路虎对黑尔伍德工厂的巨额投资是其在汽车行业电动化转型浪潮中的重大举措。从行业发展的角度来看,捷豹路虎的这一 ...
It was yellowish with black spots. "I'm originally from Brazil and if I saw this there I'd say it was a jaguar. At one point it looked directly at me - that was very frightening. "It was trying to get ...
捷豹路虎周四表示,作为电气化战略的一部分,计划投资5亿英镑(约合6.7亿美元)支持其哈雷伍德工厂的电动汽车平行生产。 该公司此前已表示 ...