Wildlife photographer Todd Gustafson captures stories of competition, courtship, family, hunting and flight to illustrate the hidden life of East African birds. To the Ends of the Earth ...
THIS book, written with an obvious enthusiasm, will be appreciated more by those who know South Africa and its fauna than by naturalists living in the northern hemisphere. The birds are often ...
For the past 40 years, Edward Burtynsky has photographed the impact of human industry on the planet and for his latest collection, African Studies, he travelled across the continent taking photos ...
An endangered Southern ground hornbill, a species of large bird native to southern Africa, was finally captured in Chiba Prefecture adjacent to Tokyo after it escaped from a pet shop in ...
Sixty-three endangered African penguins have been killed by a swarm of bees in a rare occurrence near Cape Town, bird conservationists in South Africa say. The protected birds, from a colony in ...
Some of the migratory birds species. Photo/ courtesy Kenya grabbed the first position in Africa in sightings of migratory birds during the eBird Global Big Day. It was ranked sixth globally after ...