The giant freshwater stingray may be the ... The rays have also been targeted for the burgeoning aquarium trade, though it is now illegal to fish for stingrays in Thailand.
Fishermen in Cambodia have been having a streak of good luck lately. Researchers say they caught three Mekong giant catfish, one of the rarest and largest freshwater fish in the world. These fish, ...
They can be big or small ... on a kitchen table or a large tank in a municipal aquarium, they are designed to keep fish in captivity for human enjoyment. Within their walls, a cornucopia of freshwater ...
As far as fish go, the Asian arowana is one of the most expensive aquarium species sold in the pet trade. It is a freshwater fish ... that he sought one out to keep as a pet.
Freshwater fish populations that dwell nearer the poles are outperforming their equatorial counterparts, researchers have ...