Fifteen years after Bernie Madoff was sentenced to prison for running the largest known Ponzi scheme in history, a fund created by the U.S. government to compensate his former customers is winding ...
A US government fund created to compensate thousands of people scammed by the late Bernie ... Some of Madoff’s victims have also received compensation through Irving Picard, a court-appointed ...
MORE: Appeals court rejects Trump's attempt to overturn ... his family and select members of his inner circle. MORE: Bernie Madoff, who ran the world's largest Ponzi scheme, is dead He was ...
Irving Picard, SIPA trustee assigned to Madoff Ponzi scheme investor victims. Photo courtesy of BakerHostetler WASHINGTON, ...
Fifteen years after Bernie Madoff was sentenced to prison for running ... Some victims have also received compensation through court-appointed trustees working to untangle the scam and recover ...
Nearly 94% of the billions of dollars lost in Madoff's notorious Ponzi scheme have been recovered, according to the Justice Department.