From techno temples to hedonistic hideouts, anything-goes revelry has been core to Berlin's soul for the past century. But ...
You may have heard about the 1961-constructed Berlin Wall, but do you know the history and happenings of it?
In a guide to the design, architects Milla & Partner ... on the rapid developments that led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall At Thursday's ceremony German Commissioner for Culture Monika ...
Who would have known a holiday trip to Germany in December 1989, would have offered an opportunity to be an eyewitness to, ...
Germany marked the 30th anniversary Saturday of the opening of the Berlin Wall, a pivotal moment in the events that brought down Communism in eastern Europe. News Wrap: Anonymous official’s book ...
Alarmed by the building of the Berlin Wall, President Kennedy sent his Vice-President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and US General, Lucius D Clay to Berlin. The Berlin Wall remained a symbol of Cold War ...
Located in the center of Berlin, the Berlin Wall Memorial stretches for a little less than a mile along what was once the border that divided the city in two. Upon arriving at the memorial ...