The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
Batman has been a beloved character for decades, with his dark and complex persona translating seamlessly into video games.
来自MSN1 个月
Best Joker Voice Actors
Batman: The Telltale Series were some of the best Batman games ever, and Ingruber's Joker was a real scene stealer. Ingruber was tasked by the game's devs to create a joker that took elements of ...
Who else is going to solve all those Riddler boxes and quick time events? The first episode of Telltale’s new Batman series challenges players to see how far they’ll push the Dark Knight.… ...
As The Batman: Part II moves forward in development, actor Barry Keoghan addressed recent rumors about a Joker spin-off series, clarifying his involvement and the status of the character’s future.