Nicole Kidman recalls that she was told to steer clear of the Batman Franchise, which many felt was beneath her. She got to kiss Batman, though.
It's possible that Damian Wayne will be quitting the role of Robin sooner rather than later, which means Batman will need a ...
A Rocksteady Batman Beyond game that follows Arkhamverse lore would have a neat hurdle to cross when it comes to Batman: ...
Batman and the Bat-Family have a new base, Pennyworth Manor, a significant upgrade from the Batcave and Wayne Manor. Batman dealt with loss and financial struggles, but now aims to strengthen ...
including Bruce Wayne's knowledge of his other identity. Batman/Wayne is/are the love focus of Dr. Chase Meridan. Former circus acrobat Dick Grayson, his family killed by Two-Face, becomes Wayne's ...
At the time of Batman Returns' release, Michael Keaton was already 41, making him one of the oldest actors to portray Bruce Wayne. However, he played a much younger version of the character ...
What does not come to mind is his unique eye for interior furnishing. Now, however, a Wayne Enterprises Experience offers not just a peek into the interior tastes and lifestyle of Batman's civilian ...
WILL THE PARTY END HERE FOR ABSOLUTE BATMAN? With his friends lives at stake, will a broken, beaten, and ultimately defeated Bruce Wayne finally compromise and give up both himself and his morals ...